Trying To Build Your Body?
Fitness is all over social media in 2024. Many ask–“How could I build a body like them?“
Having had success with lean-bulking, I’ll explain what actionable steps you can take right now to help you get started as soon as possible.
Along with how I’ve applied these steps in building my own physique.
Let’s get started.
3 Year Transformation – Fast Metabolism Myth
Having a fast metabolism was a curse. At 110-120 lbs there was nothing I could do to get bigger. It felt like I wasn’t gaining a single pound no matter how much I’d eat. Any attempt at bulking was a waste of time for me.
Seeing David Laid’s gym transformation gave me the mindset shift I needed in order to look deeper into dieting and training–it was more complex than I realized. He was so underweight his skeleton was pretty much visible, yet he completely changes his entire physique.
Being a walking skeleton myself, his story resonated with me. Using YouTube and internet forums as sources–I did my research on bodybuilding basics until I was ready to begin.
Starting out I was 120 lbs, then went up to 150 lbs after 3 years of lifting–gaining about 30 pounds. I’m 5’8-5’9 for reference.
3 years is not so appealing. But here’s what could change that, your progress will be a lot quicker if you’ve got less mistakes slowing you down. Mine were poor diet consistency and not training optimally–just to name two. You’ll need to focus on being as efficient as possible.
If I knew exactly what to focus on, I would have made progress faster. This means it might not take you as long as I did to build your body. You could make significant growth in 1-2 years.
So How Do I Build My Body? What Should I Focus On?
To get started you’ll want to keep track of 6 things when you begin a lean-bulk, you can screenshot this section or write it into a notepad.
While in the gym:
- Workout Routine (Your Training Split)
- Exercise Form & Exercise Selection (Unsafe vs. Safe Performance, Risk of Injury)
- Strength Increase in Workouts (Progressive Overload, Training Intensity)
Outside of the gym:
- Daily Nutrition (Calories In vs. Calories Out, and Protein Intake)
- Muscle Recovery (Rest days per week, 7-8 hours of daily sleep)
- Tracking Progress (Weighing yourself, Progress pictures, Record lift amounts)
Once you have a general view of what you’ll be learning, the first step will be setting up your workout routine.
Move to the first step by clicking here.